goku comes in and turns super sayain naruto come in with kurama and naruto get goku with a rasagen and geku is still fist fightin while naruto is using his kurama and turns into kurama and knocks out goku now naruto thinks he won and goku IS HITIN HIM WITH A KAMEKAMEHA GOKU IS SIROUS NOW
I receive interpersonal support on almost every sight I go on: even on this one right now! An example of interpersonal support can be a typing editor, I believe.
The solution code is written in Python 3
- count = 0
- sum = 0
- num = input("Enter a number: ")
- while(num != ''):
- sum += float(num)
- count += 1
- num = input("Enter a number: ")
- print("Sum : " + str(sum))
- print("Average: " + str(sum / count))
Firstly, we declare two variables count and sum to hold the number of input number and the total of the input number, respectively (Line 1-2)
Next, we prompt user to input the first number (Line 4). While the num is not ' ' (This means it is not "Enter" key), accumulate the num to sum variable and increment count by one (Line 6-8) and then prompt the user to input the next number (Line 9).
At the end, display the sum and average using print function (Line 11 -12).
Peer review is a critical component of the life of the mind and an effective teaching strategy for nurturing students' critical thinking skills. ... peer review of writing is most effective when students have an opportunity to revise their writings prior to submitting a grade. Is it true that peer assessment helps students develop their critical thinking skills?
The students' perceptions of the peer evaluation activity were later elicited in interviews and a short written survey. The findings of the study indicate that peer evaluation activities did help in developing critical thinking skills, thus improving their academic writing performance.
A you are out of date
B re-install the application and reboot your computer