The flashing yellow light indicates that people should be aware of other cars and turn carefully. To be more safe, you should slightly slow down, make sure all signals that should be on are on, and you should drive very carefully.
none of them
the resistor is connected to the + pole of the battery, no circuit shows that.
a 1kΩ resistor would be brown-black-red, not brown black black.
When two people come together, each with a clear definition of their identities, the potential can be astounding. A successful communication is composed of two individuals - each with a clearly defined sense of her or his own identity.
Hay muchas razones, para empezar Windows ha estado desde el año 1995. Tuvo muchas actualizaciones y Microsoft (la compañia que lo creo) los sigue actualizando y agregando nuevas funciones. Ademas de eso, Windows es compatible con casi todos los programas que salen. Esto le ayuda a que el usario pueda usar todos los programas que quiera y aumenta la popularidad del sistema operativo. Microsoft tambien trae pre-instalado Windows en todas sus computadoras personales que vende.
the sorting function is used to sort the elements in the array.
the sorting can be increasing or decreasing, depends on the function used.
let discuss the option:
a. sort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in ascending order.
b. arsort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in descending order according to the value.
d. asort()
this is also sorting function, it used to sort the associated array in ascending order according to the value.
c. rsort()
this is the sorting function, it used to sort the array in descending order.
Therefore, the correct answer is rsort().