- var today = new Date();
- var dateComp = [];
- dateComp[0] = today.getDate();
- dateComp[1] = today.getMonth();
- dateComp[2] = today.getFullYear();
- switch(dateComp[1]){
- case 0:
- console.log("Jan " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 1:
- console.log("Feb " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 2:
- console.log("Mar " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 3:
- console.log("Apr " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 4:
- console.log("May " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 5:
- console.log("Jun " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 6:
- console.log("Jul " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 7:
- console.log("Aug " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 8:
- console.log("Sept " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 9:
- console.log("Oct " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 10:
- console.log("Nov " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- case 11:
- console.log("Dec " + dateComp[0] + "," + dateComp[2])
- break;
- }
The solution code is written in JavaScript.
Firstly, create a Date object (Line 1). The date object will automatically capture the current date and time.
Next create an array dateComp to hold the day, month and year (Line 3 -5). We use the getDate method to get current day, getMonth method for current month and getFullYear method for current year.
This is important to note that the getMonth method will return the value range from 0 - 11 with the Jan is represented as 0, Feb is 1 and so forth. Presume we intend to display the date using the format "month day, year", we can create a switch structure to check the month value which is range from 0 to 11. If month value is 0, generate string Jan + current day + "," + current year. We generate the date string based on different switch cases (7 - 44). We shall see the output similar to the date string as shown below:
Apr 12,2020
D size
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Hope,this helped
GFE stands for Government Furnished Equipment. While AUP is Acceptable Use Policy (AUP). The AUP should be read and signed by employees annually. <span><span> </span></span>The statement that "When issued a GFE device, you are required to sign an AUP" is true.
import java.lang.Object
import java.lang.Math
public class RegularPolygon extends java.lang.Object{
public void randomize(RegularPolygon c){
int min = 10, max1 = 20;
double min1 = 5, max1 = 12;
double range = (max - min) + 1;
double range1 = (max1 -min1) + 1
int side = (Math.random() * range) + min;
double len = (Math.random() * range1) + min1;
c.setSideLength( len);
public static void main(String[] args) {
RegularPolygon r = new RegularPloygon();
The randomize method accepts a regular polygon class as its only parameter and assigns a random number of sides and the length of these sides with the 'Math.random' function.