A correlation coefficient is always a value in between -1 and 1
The closest a coefficient to -1, the correlation is a strong negative correlation
The closest a coefficient to 1, the correlation is a strong positive correlation
The closest a coefficient to 0, there is no correlation at all
The coefficient -0.61 shows a strong negative correlation
This means that the relationship between the age and the violation is an inverse relationship; as age increases, violation decreases
Answer: option C
its on quizlet
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
C - The relationship represents a function because each input gives one unique output.
Step-by-step explanation:
To see if it is a function we can do the line test where we have a vertical line and "drag" it along the line. As long as it only hits the line once in every situation it is a function! We can see this passes and therefore the answer is c.
(why is it not d? you can have a non-linear line, but still have a function)