The people of the area had pre-existing Socialist ideas.
The Socialist Party of Oklahoma was centered in the former Indian Territory because its leaders considered that its socialist ideas, which included (and still include today) concepts such as collective ownership of land, centralized planning of the economy, equality absolute between individuals, etc., were similar to the concepts of property that were established in the laws of the Native Americans. In this way, by establishing their centers in the native territories, the leaders of the Oklahoma Socialist Party believed that there they would have high rates of support, which would allow them little by little to grow in national politics.
The Great Society program became Johnson's agenda for Congress in January 1965: aid to education, attack on disease, Medicare, urban renewal, beautification, conservation, development of depressed regions, a wide-scale fight against poverty, control and prevention of crime and delinquency, and the removal of obstacles.
They provide "common defense" in the government
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Latin America and Asia.
The immigration policies of the united states were influenced by the public opinion who saw immigrants as a threat to job employment, polluting the cultural identity of the United States. Before the 1960's preference was given to the European immigrants as they were seemed to more civilized however trend changed since the 1960's where Asian and Latin American immigrants have increased considerably. Skilled labor from the Asian countries is in demand In the Unites States. Mexico joining border with the United States provide a secure path to immigrants' entry into the United States.