Nerve cells and circulating hormones are the one responsible for vasoconstriction of the vessel walls, as they do not enter the tunica media of the blood vessel, the nerves do not synapse directly on the smooth muscle cells. Instead, they release the neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, which diffuses into the media and acts on the nearby smooth muscle cells, which result in contraction of the entire muscle cell layer and thus reducing the radius of the vessel lumen.
a chlorophyll
chlorophyll is the pigment in chloroplast that gives it its green color
Una deficiencia de fósforo puede causar inapetencia, anemia (recuento bajo de glóbulos rojos), debilidad muscular, problemas de coordinación, dolor óseo, huesos blandos y deformados, un mayor riesgo de infección, una sensación de ardor o picazón en la piel y confusión.
espero y te sirva
Kidneys, Bone Marrow, and it Produces red blood cells.