Yellow like fragments andpresent in central position are nucleus
kingdom, phylum, class, order, genus, species
involuntary; voluntary
Involuntary behaviors in organisms are unlearned behaviors exhibited as a reflex response to a stimuli around their environment. They are usually unconscious behaviors. On the other hand, voluntary behaviors are deliberate behaviors exhibited by an organism consciously. They are actually under the control of the organism, and can be learned.
If Inez blinks her eyes because a gnat flies close to them, that's involuntary. But if she then swats at the gnat, that's voluntary.
He will use a radioactive element with a long half life of greater than 1 billion years
Rocks are an aggregation of solid mass which is usually rich in minerals. The age of rocks is established using radiometric dating method.
According to Oxford Dictionary, radiometric dating is "a method of dating geological specimens by determining the relative proportions of particular radioactive isotopes present in a sample."
The age of rocks can only be ascertained using isotopes that have very long half lives because many of these rocks are very old (aged billions of years) hence their age can only be determined using elements that has a half life greater than 1 billion years.