Answer: A Bone Marrow or stem cell transplant
A bone marrow transplant is a medical procedure performed to replace bone marrow that has been damaged or destroyed by; disease, for example: pancytopenia, infection, or chemotherapy.
This procedure involves transplanting blood stem cells to replace damaged bone marrow with healthy stem cells and promote growth of new marrow. This helps your body make enough white blood cells, platelets, or red blood cells to avoid infections, bleeding disorders, or anemia.
Thus, correcting the bone marrow deficiency.
Tameko enjoys playing on her school's volleyball team. She enjoys the physical activity and is proud of earning a place on the team, but this year, her friends have started making fun of all the school teams and clubs. They aren't making fun of her directly, but the friends have suggested that they don't think it is cool to play sports or have so much school spirit. Tameko is starting to feel pressured to quit the team. What should she do?
A. Quit the team; image is important and playing volleyball is not worth the risk of losing friends
B. Tell her friends how much she likes being on the team; if they don't respect that, find some friends who do
C. Join a traveling volleyball team and don't tell her friends about it; what they don't know, they can't laugh at
D. Explain to her friends why they should love volleyball, and avoid ever hanging out with them again the answer is B
Managers can use some steps in order to make sure that the organization's goals will be achieve.First is to define what really the goals are to have a basis for working. Another is make sure everyone knows about the goals as it would take time as well as effort to be able to reach the goals.
Strength training is a great way to help increase the strength of bones and help you age better. It can reduce fractures from occurring, lets your joints stay flexible, allows you to be able to consume more foods in your diet, boosts your immune system, and is a great way to burn calories. Strength training might affect someones everyday appearance by making them age more gracefully, and can help with staying in shape, preventing bone and mass loss, and helps with keeping good posture. How strength training affects ones self-esteem is that, it enlightens their mood, increases self confidence, and puts you at a healthier mindset.