I dont think you love him. I had this same problem, don’t be afraid to tell him how you really feel and the situations he has caused for you because of him. Please trust me when I say this: It is time to let him go!!!! My best friend helped me get through this hard situation; you always need someone by your side to help you, so I suggest that. Please let him off easy, say if you can still be friends, and tell him you need a break and to LET HIM GO. Youve got this girl, I know because I went through it - and I am just fine without him now.
A specialization in urology that forces on minimally invasive surgical procedures is called an Endoscopy
rights: accept the desicion
responsiblites: stop talking to them and dont make a fuss over it
sorry if this isnt the best
B - biomedical therapy relies on drugs and medical procedures to improve psychological functioning. This is a type of therapy which involves giving different drug treatments to the patients with the hope of improving their psychological funcitoning.