We can start to solve this problem like how we solve any division problem. Since 8 doesn't go evenly into 4, we can move one digit to right, giving us the number 42. 42 divided by 8 is 5, so we write 5 on top of the division bar and keep working. Since 42-40 is 2, there's still 2 remained after doing that. Now we can bring down the 6, turning the number into 26. 26 divided by 8 is 3 remained 2, so we can put the three next to the 5. Since we have two remained and no more numbers, that means that the answer to 426/8 is 53 remainder 2.
Option C is right
C. They are independent because, based on the probability, the first ace was replaced before drawing the second ace.
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that the probability of drawing two aces from a standard deck is 0.0059
If first card is drawn and replaced then this probability would change. By making draws with replacement we make each event independent of the other
Drawing ace in I draw has probability equal to 4/52, when we replace the I card again drawing age has probability equal to same 4/52
So if the two draws are defined as event A and event B, the events are independent
C. They are independent because, based on the probability, the first ace was replaced before drawing the second ace.
These include doctors' services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drug coverage, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health services, and more. Some plans cover more services.
3. 160
4. 105
5. 95
6. 30
7. 86
8. 130
All triangles equal 180 so when you add the other 2 degrees in the triangle then subtract that by 180 then you get the third angle. The a straight line also equals 180 degrees so when you get the third angle subtract it by 180 then you get the answer to the "?"
That's how I was taught so, hope I got it all right! : )
1 hour is 15m
2 hour is 30m
3 hour is 65m
4 hour is 80m