Answer + Explanation:
<em>Imperialism creates and strengthens diplomacy between two or more nations creating opportunities for further relations in the future. Although some might find one country overbearing to another, in a time of national security, violence, and danger within a country, a country should find some way to establish relations to create a positive alliance for the possible future. Alliances always provide a benefit for the imperialist country as due to further diplomacy being established, the gain of influence of exports, imports, and culture create an established strong network for the imperialist country. Imperialist countries also have the opportunity to gain more natural resources such as land and grow the economy of their own country through that situation. The political situation is also theirs to dominate as differences of religion and politics can be problematic the assimilation of people into the imperialist countries culture is necessary and a long-term benefit. </em>
<em>Imperialism on the receiving end of the spectrum is problematic for many reasons. In situations where imperialism can become directly forced it becomes direct oppression of people, government, and culture especially in situations of possible colonization. People have to redevelop, and it can cause both internal and external conflict amongst the main people who live in the country. This can cause possible revolutions and risings amidst the people, against the former government, or against the imperialist country. Loss of culture is a direct result as new rules, laws, and policies are usually institutionalized to form obedience and structure amidst a country. Therefore the oppression and prejudice that comes as a direct result from the imperialist country cause disruption in many people's lives within a nation, which will also cause future problems such as violence, unfollowed rules, slavery, and other unethical actions that the imperialist country might take to suppress the voices of a former nation. </em>