Un conflicto es una situación en la que dos o más partes tienen intereses contrapuestos, los cuales no se complementan entre sí sino que son antagónicos en su realización. Por lo tanto, cada una de las partes utiliza métodos y se adhieren a valores que en la percepción de las partes son irreconciliables y por tanto chocan.
Ahora bien, el conflicto como tal puede ser el motor para una reconvención de relaciones injustas o negativas. Ello pues las partes (donde generalmente una es la injusta y la otra la que sufre la injusticia) manifiestan sus posiciones en forma de choque, buscando llegar a una solución favorable para ambas, con lo cual suelen ceder en sus pretensiones en la medida que la otra parte también lo haga. Así, muchas veces el conflicto permite destrabar una situación conflictiva, acercando las posiciones de las partes y llegando a un punto de acuerdo.
<u><em>There are several factors to consider when deciding to buy or lease a car, since both options have several benefits and disadvantages</em></u>.
<u>But something that can influence, and much, is to know and understand the process of financing and leasing a new vehicle</u>.
<u><em>The correct answer is the D</em></u>: <u>All monthly car payments.</u>
Voting rights is not apart of the first amendment
i would select it allows citizens to choose who will run the government
why? - the whole point of the US voting system is so we do not have dictatorship and so the people of our country can decide who they would like to be in power and make decisions for the better of the people
The king held the highest position in society and priests, warriors, and merchants were also part of the upper class. The Maya believed their rulers were related to gods. Rulers were involved in religious ceremonies, led battles, had beautiful clothing/jewelry, and Kings wore huge feather headdresses and capes of cotton, jaguar skins, and feathers. Priests led religious ceremonies and were the most educated. Warriors fought battles with animal headdresses, jade jewels, and jaguar skin capes on their red and black painted bodies. Merchants directed trade among the cities and organized the transportation and distribution of goods. Together the members of the upper class controlled the politics, religion, and ceremony.