Are you doing Alpha Omega Academy cuz I'm doing the exact same as you haha.
Anyway, basically ms. Gates is teaching the class about Hitler and the persecution on the Jews and how it's bad. She even mentioned that they would never do such thing. But she herself is active on the persecution of the blacks.
Ancient Egyptians used hieroglyphics to tell stories and important events using engravings of picture symbols
A woman has to constantly keep her wardrobe updated with the latest couture in trend, and in society where the self worth of a person is judged by the labels and brands she has. If she wears rubber boots they make fun of her and call her "bride of Frankenstein" so he got some hand me down dresses from her cousins who is 3 years older but the dress are outdated. Later on she lives in the west and learns that she shouldn't try to flaw and she should just be herself and what's in the inside is what counts and not the outside.
Because Henry seems to have a skewed perception of courage, it is possible that he could have continued to live his life in this "shame of captivity". On the other hand, perhaps he would have realized that although his regiment was defeated, he had still proved to himself that he could fight in the face of death. Therefore, he was still a man of courage and bravery.