Indicate the most appropriate if-then statement that the English sentence represents: People 25 years or older do not pay an add
itional car rental fee. A. If a person is 25 years old or older, then the person does not pay and additional car rental fee. B. If a person is 25 years younger or older, then the person does not pay and additional car rental fee. C. If a person does not pay an additional car rental fee, then the person is 25 years old or older D. Unknown
Federalism refers to the system of government in which power is divided between the federal government and the many individual state governments.
In the United States for instance, the Constitution provides certain powers only to the central government, other powers only to the state governments, and some powers to both.
see what happened was i was sorry i broke your nose and you must be in a lot of is wrong that i assaulted you because i shouldnt have laid hands on you in the first place even if im truly very sorry for my actions towards you and in the future i know to keep my hands to my self even if im angry.