True bc they depend on the host cells that they infect to reproduce
Anaerobic condition refers to an environmental condition where oxygen is absent. In case of Electron Transport System (ETS) and ATP production, oxygen acts as the final acceptor of electrons. As oxygen is a reactant in ETS and ATP production, unavailability of oxygen can cause no oxidation of the coenzymes or the carriers such as NAPH and FADH2 and no ATP will be produced. Thus, both Electron Transport System and ATP production will stop in the absence of oxygen.
Answer: zooplankton, small nekton
CRISPR system was discovered by a Japanese scientist. Naturally <u>bacteria and many other prokaryotes</u> have <u>CRISPR system in their genome</u> which they use as a<u> self defense against a pathogen</u> which is invading them. It consists of<u> inter spaced, short palindromic nucleotide repeats </u>which <u>encode a guide RNA (gRNA)</u>. This guide RNA (gRNA) recognizes the<u> target sequence</u> on the pathogen. The <u>gRNA is followed by Cas9 enzyme</u> which along with the gRNA plays a very important <u>role in breaking genome</u> of the pathogen. Once the target gene is cut down the rest of the DNA can be rejoined by<u> non homologous end joining. </u>
But nowadays, scientists are using this system for <u>genome editing</u> and <u>incorporating desired gene</u> between the two ends which are cut down by <u>CRISPR Cas9 system.</u>
<span>A condition of the unconsciousness is an effect of the shut down of "Conscious Brain"
In that situation, Our Brain feels tired, and can't make any major decision
Hope this helps!</span>