Catalase behaves as a catalyst for the conversion of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.
Catalase is an antioxidant enzyme that plays a very important role in the protection against oxidative damage by breaking down hydrogen peroxide. It is a very highly conserved enzyme that has been identified from numerous species including bacteria, fungi, plants and animals.
Catalase has one of the highest turnover numbers for all known enzymes (40,000,000 molecules/second). This high rate shows an importance for the enzymes capability for detoxifying hydrogen peroxide and preventing the formation of carbon dioxide bubbles in the blood.
The important role of the atmosphere is to supply oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and nutrients. It also protects all living things from extreme temperatures and radiation (protects us from harmful solar rays).
Thd sequence of amino acids it has.
b. a capsule
The capsule is mainly made up of polysaccharides and surrounds many bacteria. Capsule staining includes mixing of the bacterial cells with dye and spread out in a thin film on a slide. After air-drying, the cells appear as light-colored structures present in a relatively dark blue-black background. This occurs since the dye particles cannot penetrate either the cell or its capsule. Therefore, the given slide with a colorless ring around the cells in a dark background represents the presence of a capsule around the observed cells.
Discovery of structure of DNA by Franklin and Watson and Crick.
Rosalind Franklin was researching about DNA structure at the King’s College at London based on x-ray diffraction studies; while, Crick and Watson were researching on the same at the Cambridge University based on Linus Pauling discovery of proteins.
Once when Watson happen to listen to Franklin’s lecture upon DNA structure and how it depends on relative humidity of the air and other facts relating to DNA; he along with Crick made physical DNA models which became a big failure.
Later, Franklin found that a wet form of DNA with high humidity had a helix like structure. This point became the base of later discovery of Watson and Crick’s double helix model of DNA along with the discovery of DNA molecules being made up of double chain of nucleotides.