The most populated place/country would be China with a population of 1.4 billion people
Answer: <u>Intrinsic motivation , Extrinsic motivation</u>
Intrinsic motivation is the motivation in which performance of any activity or task will personally provide a benefit or reward to the person.
Extrinsic motivation is the motivation that provokes a person to perform activity for earning advantage or to keep themselves away from punishment.
According to the question, Rhonda is intrinsically motivated as she is doing exercise to reward herself by herself fit but Denise is performing exercise to earn advantage in form of attracting men through fitness from that task .
It illustrates a
multidisciplinary approach to solving a complex problem because the disciplinary committee or the experts spoke
with separate voices and their perspectives on <span>the problem were presented in
serial fashion. For example an engineer who was on the committee took an engineering
approach and said the focus should be on building strong walls, a sociologists
concerns were mainly about the number of elephants living in the house and so on.</span>