Answer:Agora means marketplace. Remember your psychology courses when you read about agoraphobia? That is a fear of the marketplace or social situations. There are two main Agoras in Athens that are of interest to travelers. The first is the ancient agora which is now an archaeological site below the acropolis and is well worth the visit.Things have gotten a little slow at the ancient Agora since the fall of Rome and the Turkish occupation.
But there is plenty of action at my favorite agora on Athinas street between Omonia and Monastiraki where the Athinians do their shopping for meat, fish, vegetables, olives, herbs and just about everything else you want to eat. The following page is a photographic journey through one of the most exciting and interesting places in Athens. Hopefully this will inspire you to supress your agoraphobia and bravely wander through the sights, sounds and smells of the agora on your next visit to Greece.
King Prithvi Narayan Shah said "nepal is the common home of 4 castes and 36 subcastes". People in Nepal are friendly towards each other. They don't have the feeling of enmity towards any other. They celebrate each other religions festivals feeling it of their own. They don't have complain that their nation is a secular state and they have accepted the diversity near them.
An example of irrationality is when an adult claims to have an imaginary companion who tells him what to do. It is a state or quality of lack of rational thinking.
The term, irrationality is commonly used in connection with illogical or delusional cognitive behaviors (thinking, decision making, etc.). They are focused to meet their needs. And irrational people can be unpredictable and sometimes even dangerous until that need is met or they leave it. From a psychological point of view, the irrational ideas are not evidence-based. They are mainly based on assumptions. They are also sometimes rooted in beliefs based on past experience – positive or negative.
Know more about irrationality here
this is an example of a metaphor