Sustainability can best be described as the ability of populations of living organisms to continue a healthy existence in a healthy environment for as long as possible.
It also ensure the use of environmental resources to ensure their availability for future generations. This implies making use of things that are available to retain the existence of a thing for the future.
The components of sustainability are; Economic, environmental, and social.
Hallmark has a line of cards that is made of recyclable materials and has flower seeds pressed into the paper so once a person has read the card, they can plant it. With this new product line, Hallmark is attempting to achieve sustainability.
1. Constantinopole
2. Location and the walls
<u>The capital of the Byzantine Empire was called Constantinopole</u> (today it is Istambul). <u>It was proclaimed to be the capital by emperor Constantine the Great and got named after him</u>. It became capital in 324, while it was still known under the name of Byzantium and it fell under the Ottoman rule in 1453. The name was changed to Istambul in 1930.
For a long time, Constantinople was very hard to conquer before its final fall. The reasons for it are usually cited as the cities <u>great strategic location and its walls. </u>
<u>The location</u> <u>of the city was great and it was a key factor for making the capital there.</u> The city lies on the Bosporus, surrounded by the sea. This proved it suitable for trade as well as for protection. <u>It was easy to see who are the enemies coming by the ships from nearly all sides.</u> Army of Constantinopole had great advance in the defense this way.
<u>The city was also surrounded by </u><u>great walks on all sides, both towards the sea and the land</u><u>.</u> In the 5th century, there was even the second layer of walls built, making the city twice as protected and hard to conquer. The walls were very tall and thick. They still exist today in parts.
I'm not sure if this a question or not but all the information on this is right except the last one. there are political parties in iran.