Rachel's little sister is three years old and leaves her toys all over the house. Rachel's dad asked her to help pick up the toy
s and put them away, but Rachel said she didn't make the mess and didn't understand why she has to help clean it. This caused friction between Rachel and her dad. What is the best strategy to help Rachel live above the line?
She should respectfully tell her Dad it is not fair to clean up her sister's mess.
She should explain to her little sister that she needs to put away her toys.
She should stop cleaning up other people's messes and focus more on cleaning her own.
She should acknowledge that her attitude of laying blame is not helping her or her family and pitch in.
The word root "gen" means "birth," and the suffix "-ous" means "having the quality of something." Based on the word root, which word means "an official announcement"?
Hi, Mom. Can I please go back to school? If I went back to school there would be a better chance of me paying attention, because while I'm at home, there is a lot of distractions. Good luck!