Article IV section 3 of the constitution mandates congress to vote on how a new state is to be formed. I do not know the exact terms of how a state is created as a sovereign body, but I suspect any new state would have to go through what Hawaii and Alaska went. These were territories that were not carved out of an existing state so the problem was not complicated by two states feuding over where the boundary would be.
Recently Puerto Rico had a non binding referendum on this very question. I don't know what was decided.
It's the Federal Government in the form of congress. The territory has to be in favor of statehood.
The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. The painting on the left illustrates secular themes characteristic of the medieval era, while the painting on the right illustrates religious themes characteristic of the Renaissance."
The bourgeoisie, because they were like the middle class, and without them, the social classes would be the same as before.