The correct answer is option (a) Scanning tunneling microscope.
Microscopes are used to see the objects at molecular level. Scanning tunneling microscope( STM) is a type of optical microscope that uses optics(light) and lenses to see the enlarged size of the object. This microscope use a small metal tip under a high voltage. when this tip of microscope is brought close to the metal, the metallic tip of microscope draws electrons from the atom (metal) to be observed. This generates an electric current. There is a computer system attached to the microscope that detects the change in the electric current. Computer plots the change in position of atoms in metal.
RNA (: stranded RNA virus that infects specifically the parasitic protozoan G. lamblia. Among the many collected strains of G.
The Male has the dominant genes and the female has weak genes.
After reading the above information, one reason different members of crow populations have a different rate of survival is there is always a chance that that some other variation will also effect some of the crows ability to survive. Another reason is that the vision, muscle strength and size can influence survival.