Francesco de Melzi was an Italian painter...He was basically Leonardo Da Vinci's favorite student and life companion.
"established relations with China"
Richard Nixon Along with Secretary of State Kissinger, he redefined the role of the United States on the world stage. A gradual withdrawal of the 500,000 US soldiers fighting in South Vietnam was carried out, although the withdrawal lasted for four years. His greatest achievement was his approach and opening of relations with the People's Republic of China. Nixon also traveled to Moscow to negotiate the first step for an agreement on limiting strategic weapons.
Pros of child labor--children are a cheap labor source, they work jobs specific to small details, they help to provide money for the family unit, and they provide taxes instead of any cost to the government.
Cons of child labor--it reduces the lifespan, reduced education rate through the country. Outlawing child labor would cost families money and with public education costs the government money.
The main problem that was solved by Qin Shi Huangdi was creating a complex system of administration and centralized bureaucracy, which greatly...