St. Jude Thaddeus, together with his brother James, formed part of the twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ.
It is said that Jesus Christ invited his apostles to become fishers of men instead of fishermen. However, even before Jesus Christ grew up into maturity and began his mission of teaching God's word, He is already connected with St. Jude.
The mother of St. Jude Thaddeus, Mary, is the sister of the Blessed Virgin Mary; making Jude and James cousins of Jesus Christ.
Though the actual call to St. Jude of becoming an apostle was not written, it is assumed that Jesus met St. Jude in family gatherings like the wedding in Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle.
Hitler brainwashed his citizens by holding rallys, conferences, and other public events. He carefully explained with propaganda that the Jewish people were bad and that they were the curse from God.
they still needed to go to war to fight?
im so sorry if this is wrong
you would hope that people as individulas could recognize the importance of a government that is fair and representative in all aspects unlike a facist dictatorship. facist governments often supress the rights of the people and the constitution is a political spear head that was created to help prevent facism in the united states, although as times have changed so have peoples perspective on things which has made it easier for people to simply subscribe to what ie easiest and not what is right.
The plague killed a third of the inhabitants
The plague reached Paris through Normandy in August 1348. It developed in the city, changed, reach a last peak of mortality in 1349 before a sudden decline. It is estimated that there was around 200 000 inhabitants at that time.