Vainas sinoviales tendinosas
Las vaina tendinosas o vainas sinoviales son mangas de tejido de protección que se encuentran alrededor de las articulaciones o rodean a los tendones. Estas vainas permiten que los tendones se deslicen suavemente, produciendo un líquido (líquido sinovial) que mantiene al tendón lubricado. De este modo, las vainas tienen como función evitar el roce entre el tendón y el hueso. Las vaina tendinosas conforman un revestimiento de dos capas: una interna unida al tendón y una externa de tejido conectivo.
i believe your answer would be Mollusca.
(i looked it up on britannica if you have any questions.) Mollusk, also spelled mollusc, any soft-bodied invertebrate of the phylum Mollusca, usually wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell secreted by a soft mantle covering the body.
As you move up to the food chain, the energy will decrease. This explains that the more the consumers, the lesser the energy that the last consumer will get from the sunlight. This is because each energy will decrease as it passes by the consumers because each consumers takes a portion of the full energy from the sun.
Microtubules have shapes like a spindle and are arranged to form centrosome and a cluster of such microtubules form centriole.
Microtubules are seen in eukaryotic cells to give shape and structure to the cells and they form part of the cytoskeleton. They are known to grow long and are dynamic. Centrosomes are known to be main microtubule that are found in animal cells. They are organelles that are made from the arrangement of clusters of microtubules. The centrioles are organized microtubules that actually help to serve as skeletal system of the cell. These centrioles help to determine the locations of the nucleus.
so you’d need to find the amount of gallons your family uses in 11 minutes and subtract 73000 from that number
i used the same formula, came up with 80300 gallons a year, and subtracted 73000 from it to get
7300 gallons are saved by reducing showering time by one minute