It was hitler’s new regime in Europe. His new order grew from from his racial obsessions; inferior races pushed aside made to live in ghettos or concentration camps; death camps were the final solution.
Saint Peter was one of the 12 Disciples of Jesus. He was also considered to be the first bishop of Rome. From the moment Peter met Jesus, Peter knew that Jesus was the Messiah. Saint Peter was also the first person Jesus visited after his Resurrection.
They came from Southern and Eastern Europe.
<em>Santeria </em>was practiced by the old black slaves and their descendants on the island of Cuba, which later expanded through the other colonies to neighboring countries such as Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Panama.
But later, in <u>1959</u><u> </u><u>with the Cuban revolution</u>, it would cause many Santists to emigrate to Florida, Spain, and Mexico, among others.
<em>Santeria</em> is an African polytheistic religion related to Catholicism, like many other religions given since the time of slavery.
This occurred because Africans were forced to become Catholics by their owners.
Africans would see Catholic saints quite similar to their deities in their hometown.
Santeria believes in a universal and omnipotent being from whom everything created comes, called Olodumare.
In addition to Olodumare, the Santists believe in other different Gods, each owner of an intangible part of society, and each one is worshiped in different ways.