Political Parties Splinter: The issue of slavery split the Democratic Party in two in 1860.
The Election of 1860: Slavery was the main issue and Lincoln wanted to ban it in all new territories, and since the north had a bigger population than the South Lincoln had the most votes and won.
Southern States secede: Before Lincoln took office, seven states left the Union. The Confederate States of America chose Jefferson Davis as their president, and the right to slaves was allowed in their Constitution
Efforts at Compromise Fail: When he took office, Lincoln tried to save the Union without war.
First Shots at Fort Sumter: Lincoln calls South Carolina to tell that he is going to send ships there to supply the fort.
Lincoln Calls out the Militia: Lincoln asked the Union states to provide 75,000 militiamen. Slave States who were still in the Union got mad and some left. This is where the Civil War started to kick off.
Hope this helps, have a blessed day! :-)
The principle reason was the cost and the general public's opinion of the war back home in England. The war was amounting an insane amount of debt and resources and the people of Britain were tired of the war and protested its existence. Britain didn't have the morale boost of patriotism and a war worth fighting for like the Americans did.
I believe the answer is: "Promote white supremacy, but never do so explicitly."
Even though advocation to promote the superiority of white races never really came out of his mouth, his actions to deny the black students their right to obtain educations indicates that He held a discriminatory behavior toward racial minorities.
In the Age of New Imperialism that began in the 1870s, European states established vast empires mainly in Africa, but also in Asia and the Middle East. - https://www.tamaqua.k12.pa.us/cms/lib07/PA01000119/Centricity/Domain/119/TheAgeofImperialism.pdf