<em>Correct form of future tense</em>
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À quelle heure arriverez-vous à l'arrêt du bus ?
ARRIVER <em>futur</em>
tu arriveras
il/elle/on arrivera
nous arriverons
vous arriverez
ils/elles arriveront
<u>Future tense</u> ►
radical (root) of the verb ( examples => chant-er // fin-ir // dorm-ir)
<em>+ endings of tuture tense ►</em>
<em>ai / as / a / ons / ez / ont</em>
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Who is the current president of France?
François Hollande
<span>How many regions does France have (including those overseas)?
12 regions in metropolitan France, plus Corsica, and five regions overseas (including Mayotte department which also has the skills of a region and the unique communities of Guyana and Martinique)</span>
From where did the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, originate?<span>Naissance : </span><span>15 août 1769, Ajaccio
</span><span>Who is Astérix le Gaulois?
Is a fictional character the titular hero of the French comic book series The Adventures of Asterix.
<u>Écris </u><u>le </u><u>verbe </u><u>au </u><u>passé </u><u>composé</u><u> :</u>
<em>Nous avons un problème.</em>
→ Nous avons eu un problème.
One thing you should do to stay healthy is to drink plenty of water. Keep a cup or bottle of water with you at all times. Your brain cannot concentrate if its dehydrated.
Sorry, if you wanted this in French. I see that's what this question is under.
Je ne suis pas contente
"ne" devant le verbe et "pas" après.
Je ne vais pas à la piscine.
<span>I'm not happy.
"ne" before the verb and "pas" after
I do not go <span>to the pool.</span></span>