You will have a higher interest and will be in debt for longer
In this scenario, we have committed an error related to Procedural justice
Procedural justice refers to way of ensuring fair justice by making decisions according to fair processes to ensure fair treatment.
According to this justice rule, the same rule must be applied to similar scenario and must be impartial as well in order to ensure fair justice.
In conclusion, we have committed an error relating to procedural justice because the rule that was <em>applied to Julio </em>was <em>not applied to John</em>, therefore, there was a bias in justice.
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Closing retained earnings is the accumulated value of an entity`s profit reserve from its earnings from both current and past accounting periods.Closing retained earnings is calculated by deducting dividend paid from earnings after tax of the current year and adding the balance to opening retained earnings.
= Opening retained earnings + (Earnings after tax - Dividend paid)
Based on the information supplied, the closing retained earnings will be:
Service Revenue 10,000
Total Expenses (6,000)
Operating profit 4,000
Dividend <u> (1,000)</u>
Retained Earnings 3,000
Retained Earnings b/f <u> 12,000</u>
Closing Retained Earnings <u> 15,000</u>
Note: No information in regard of tax, so the operating profit is used as profit after tax.
The answer is C. architecture and construction industry demonstrating a sustainable level of growth