Our computers will have system software and application software. Application software would be something like a game or just any general purpose app you've downloaded.
Hopefully, this helps! =)
The following code is a Python function that takes in the amount of change. Then it uses division and the modulo operator to calculate the number of coins that make up the changes, using the greatest coin values first.
import math
def amountOfCoins(change):
print("Change: " + str(change))
quarters = math.floor(change / 0.25)
change = change % 0.25
dimes = math.floor(change / 0.20)
change = change % 0.20
pennies = math.floor(change / 0.01)
print("Quarters: " + str(quarters) + "\nDimes: " + str(dimes) + "\nPennies: " + str(pennies))
<h2>Many properties can be listed out viz. durability, quality, the sound that it produces also depends on the material that is used, etc.</h2>
1. If you take wood then I would say maple, rosewood, cedar, walnut can be used to make "String instruments".
The wood that we choose should be perfect and should give long-life to use the instrument.
2. If we consider about strings, then I would suggest that the material that you choose should be "ductile and hard".
Thin wires can be drawn.
3. In case of Brass, it should be "malleable metal", so that the outcome of the instrument will satisfy the need.
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