The flexion is a movement of the body part that is described the bending of an elbow, or the clenching a hand into a fist, etc. where the angle between any segment of the body and its proximal segment decreases.
In simple words, the flexion is a movement which decreases the angle between two body parts when they are moved.
The flexion occurs in the sagittal plane.
Thus, the movement of a thumb that would be mostly affected by the lesion of median nerve in cubital fossa is the flexion movement.
El almacenamiento a largo plazo puede ser similar al aprendizaje: el proceso mediante el cual la información que puede ser necesaria nuevamente se almacena para su recuperación bajo demanda. El proceso de localizar esta información y traerla de vuelta a la memoria de trabajo se denomina recuperación.
ojala te sirva es lo unico que se :D
Roots and stems
Explanation: the cork of mature roots and woody stems is perforatedby nonsuberized pores called lenticels.
The correct answer is B. Ribosome
In biology, cells are mainly classified as eukaryotic or prokaryotic. Each of these types of cells has different features, to begin with, eukaryotic cells are those that contain a defined nucleus and are part of both unicellular and multicellular organisms. On the opposite, prokaryotic cells do not have a defined nucleus or a nuclear envelope and are mainly present in unicellular organisms, besides this, they lack mitochondrion, Golgi apparatus or chloroplasts that are present in eukaryotic cells. However, prokaryotic cells still contain DNA, ribosomes, vesicles, and vacuoles. According to this, the one that is present in a prokaryotic cell is ribosome.
The phase contrast microscope uses out-of-phase and in-phase light rays that produce contrast areas allowing scientists to detect even a minute number of protein molecules and focus on the minute internal structures of a particle.