Smooth & yellow: 9
smooth & green: 3
wrinkled & yellow: 3
wrinkled & green: 1
Gene controlling seed color are yellow Vs green
Gene controlling seed texture are smooth Vs wrinkled
In F1 generation, A true breeding smooth green plant (SSyy) is crossed to a true breeding wrinkled yellow (ssYY)
Off spring in F1 generation are smooth yellow (SsYy)
This means smooth texture is dominant over wrinkled texture and yellow color is dominant over green
in F2 generation, the cross is carried between SsYy
SY Sy sY sy
Sy SSYy SSyy SsYy Ssyy
sY SsYY SsYy ssYY ssYy
sy SsYy Ssyy ssYy ssyy
Smooth & yellow: 9
smooth & green: 3
wrinkled & yellow: 3
wrinkled & green: 1
0 meters
When we talk about displacement, think that the think of it as the measure of the distance between the starting point of the object, from its end point.
Since we are talking about a lap around a track, it would mean that the starting point is also the end point. So if you started and end at the same point, the distance between it would be 0.
Bacteria and Archaea,Eukarya
The Bacteria and Archaea are made up entirely of microorganisms; the Eukarya contains plants, animals, and microorganisms such as fungi and protists.
C. 1/4
Let's assume that the allele for the spotted coat is "S" and the one for the even coat is "s". The allele "L" gives short horns while the recessive allele "l" imparts long horns. The genotype of the cattle heterozygous for both traits would be SsLl. A cross between two heterozygous cattle would produce progeny in following phenotype ratio=
9 spotted coat and short horns: 3 even coat and short horns: 3 spotted coat and long horns: 1 even coat and long horns.
Therefore, the proportion of the progeny with long horns = 4/16= 1/4