The difficulty with this answer, lies in the fact that not all of land and ocean biomes have been completely explored. The ocean is vast, covering approximately 70% of the Earth's surface, with literally vertical miles or kilometers of depth, and with some areas with sparse to no biodiversity. The same can be said about certain areas of large deserts with very low levels of biodversity, void of life, like vast deserts of the Sahara or Gobi. But, the Amazon rain forest contains still unknown species of plant and animal life, just like the ocean. Because of its vastness, intellectually, I would say the ocean contains more biodiversity, but the answer is scientifically, as of now, yet to be proven one way or the other.
In 2016, a rare transit of Mercury happened, where the planet crossed the face of the sun. Mercury's transit may have yielded secrets about its thin atmosphere, assisted in the hunt for worlds around other stars, and helped NASA hone some of its instruments.
Prokaryotes are the most primitive organism that exists on earth. They have the simplest form of body organization and they do not perform complex tasks.
The eukaryotic cell has nucleus in it and they have more complex machinery in their body to perform various tasks accordingly.
The nucleus of the prokaryotes are not enclosed in the nuclear membrane and it is dissolve in the cytoplasm. It lacks true nucleus.
Eukaryotes have nucleus enclosed inside nuclear membrane.
The three major types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution. Sometimes, air pollution is visible. A person can see dark smoke pour from the exhaust pipes of large trucks or factories, for example. More often, however, air pollution is invisible.