c. Compression.
Compression is the primary way from which folded mountains are formed. Fold mountains are created where two or more of tectonic plates of earth are pushed together. Due these collision, compressing boundaries and rocks are folded into rocky hills, mountains, and entire mountain ranges. Fold mountains are formed through a process called orogeny which is an event that leads to both structural deformation of the Earth's lithosphere at the margins of convergent plate.
<h2>1. unconditioned stimulus, </h2><h2>2. loud noise</h2>
Such type of stimulus that is trigger by the neutral in nature is called a conditioned stimulus such as the sound of the bell and some other. Such type of stimulus that is biologically potent is called an unconditional stimulus such as the taste of food and some other things. When the biologically effective stimulus is used with neutral stimulus then the classical conditions are formed that are used in the learning process.