It showed that the us could no longer stay in isolationism and it was to be probably the biggest influence in international affairs. When the us won ww2 and faced off with the soviet union it also showed that the us was the biggest world superpower.
The problems the North and the South faced after the Civil War were struggle for political reform,loss of money for the reconstruction of infrastructures and other stuffs and the economy of both north and south declined.
- The problem of reconstructing the Union was just as difficult as fighting the war.
- Since the war took place in the South the area was in total destruction both physically and economically.
- The reconstruction took a lot of resource and manpower and it cost a lot of fortunes.
Most books in Europe were written in Latin. There were numerousbooks in the Arab World and in China that were written in otherlanguages.
The best answer would be that "<span>The GNP rose dramatically and the United States changed from a debtor nation to a creditor nation" but the middle class definitely improved as well.</span>
allowing a certain degree of self-rule to the colonists.