Dualists view the mind and the body as two fundamental different “things”, equally real and independent of each other. Cartesian thought, or substance dualism, maintains that the mind and body are two different substances, the non-physical and the physical, and a causal relationship is assumed to exist between them. Physicalism, on the other hand, is the idea that everything that exists is either physical or totally dependent of and determined by physical items. Hence, all mental states are fundamentally physical states. In the current study we investigated to what degree Swedish university students’ beliefs in mind-body dualism is explained by the importance they attach to personal values. A self-report inventory was used to measure their beliefs and values. Students who held stronger dualistic beliefs attach less importance to the power value (i.e., the effort to achieve social status, prestige, and control or dominance over people and resources). This finding shows that the strength in laypeople’s beliefs in dualism is partially explained by the importance they attach to personal values
1. codominance Both members of an allelic pair contribute to phenotype producing a mixture of phenotypic traits
2 . Rh factor: An inherited protein found on the surface of the red blood cell membrane
3 . hemophilia: A hereditary condition for bleeding due to the inability to clot properly
4 . holandric gene: A gene located on the Y chromosome in XY species
Codominance occur when a pure breeding White flower crosses with a pure breeding Red flower and gives PINK offspring
Rhesus Factor is an antigen that appears on the surface of red blood cells. it is an important factor to consider during blood transfusion.
Hemophilia is a sex-linked condition where the sufferer is unable to have a blood clot.
Holandric gene can ONLY be passed from males (carriers of XY chromosomes) to their sons
d is the correct answer.
Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state that persists despite changes in the world outside.
And in d the body's internal temperature is being maintained.
i believe it is A: air because carbon comes from air so if they take in the air to maike it they are also taking in carbon
Your brainliest answer would be:
One there taste
There structure formulas are very different.
Plz mark me brainliest!
Hope this helps!