The role of Spanish Colonization in the North in the history of the United ... A handful of Spanish settlements was established in outlying areas, but they ... The encomienda was used throughout Spanish America. ... In some instances, he retraced Coronado's steps and was equally unsuccessful in discovering gold and silver.
The Declaration of Independence gave birth to what is known today as the United States of America. The document is symbolic of American democracy and one of the free charters of freedom. The words stated in the Declaration rallied support from colonists at home, and colonists living abroad.
Centralize ; Professionalize
The treaty of Peace of Augsburg is a treaty between the forces of Lutheran princes and Charles V. This treaty between them ended the struggle of religion between the two groups and it allowed the princess in Holy Roman empire to select which religion would have reign in their principality.
It was signed on 25th September in the year 1555. This is also known as the Augsburg Settlement.
The settlement between the two groups brought temporary peace but the monarchs were planning to centralize and also professionalize the state power in order to take control and collect more taxes to buy harbors, new weapons, ships, etc.