Eastern Europeans began to repel against their governments.
It was a continues bombing of Northern Vietnam on orders from president Nixon.
Nika revolt or Nika sedition took place against Emperor Justinian I in Constantinople over the course of a week in 532 CE. They were the most violent riots in the city's history, with nearly half of Constantinople being burned or destroyed and tens of thousands of people killedon:
Citizens 18 and older can vote , you don’t have to pay a poll tax to vote .
Antifederalist saw the Constitution as a way for the Federalist to gain more control over the states. This was seen as the opposite for the Federalist Party because they just wanted to create a central government that was strong enough to run the whole country. The Antifederalist Party was totally against the ratification because they were afraid that the national government would become too powerful and take advantage of their power. The Federalist Party was for the Constitution because they saw it as a way for the people to get more involved in the government since the most powerful branch would be directly linked to the people. Lastly, the Antifederalists saw the Constitution as a way to take the power of the states away while the Federalists interpreted the Constitution as a way for the states and the national government to have similar powers that still allow the national government to handle national affairs rather than having the states do it.