About 1200 mL or 1.2L from what I have learned.
Viscosity is a property of liquid that has resistance between liquid molecules. Those liquids having strong force of attraction between their particles has a viscosity whereas those liquid substances have weak intermolecular force of attraction between the particles has low viscosity. For example, water has low viscosity as compared to honey.
Different colour occur due to heterozygous nature.
Most of the puppies just like parents because the black colour gene or allele is dominant over other colour allele whereas other colour puppies also formed due to presence of heterozygous type of alleles. Other colour occurs due to appearance of recessive allele in the physique of the offspring or formation of hybrids occurs which causes colour other than black and white in the offspring. In the F1 generation all the offspring resembles to the male parent but after this generation some offspring resembles to male, some are hybrids and other resembles to female.
Sodium Fluoride