Imagine that a you and a friend are exercising together at a gym. Your friend suddenly trips and falls, and it is clear that he
or she has suffered an ankle sprain. Luckily you know exactly what has happened. Explain how your friend sustained the injury and, assuming you had the necessary supplies, including a first aid kit and a phone, explain what steps could you take to stabilize your friend's injury. Name each of the five steps in the PRICE treatment.
The sprain happened when the friend fell and the ligaments (in the ankle) stretched, twisted or possibly tore. Sprain is manifested by pain, swelling, bruising and inability to move.
Here the appropriate steps to stabilize the injury:
1. Call for help.
2. Rest the injured area to avoid further damage.
3. Put ice ( for 15 to 20 minutes) to help limit the swelling.
4. Apply compression bandage to prevent more swelling.
5. Elevate the injured ankle above the heart to limit swelling.