Caste is a form of social classification which is made up of endogamy, hereditary transmission of a way of life
Sociologists refer to societies where birth determines whether individuals have social mobility as Caste society
- A caste system is known by an occupation, ritual status in form of hierarchy, customary social interaction and exclusion due to cultural rules of purity and pollution.
It is linked with occupation and believed to be an ancient, abiding, and unique.
A caste society is one in where people are born into different social standing and will remain there throughout their lifetime.
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The Gettysburg address was not eloquent. It was a three minute speech given by Abraham Lincoln.
Dr. Green way- behavioral approach; Dr. Cech- cognitive approach
Behavioral approach- This refers to a psychological perspective that focuses on objective and scientific methods of investigation. This approach includes only observable S-R (stimulus-response) behaviors and defines that all behaviors are learned via interaction with the surrounding environment.
Cognitive perspective- This approach is a relatively modern approach in psychology that studies human behavior and focuses mainly on how we think. It states that our thought processes have a great impact on the way we behave.
Some are racist, spread false information about history, and some childrens books are inappropriate for children
Freud theorized that the libido was an important drive of the id. The libido is some what known as the sex drive where it explains that it's the over all's person desire in terms of activities relating to sexual things. Freud has the belief that this drive is being contained and is a some sort of energy that is so called as 'id'.