Individuals should not be allowed to own exotic pets. These animals usually have temperature needs. An example of this would be komodo dragons. They need a rather warm environment in order to survive. If the person lives in a cold climate, the lizard will inevitably end up going into a cage. Going off of that, the majority of these animals are held in cages(especially if large.) Lastly, Some exotic animals could be harmful or dangerous depending on species. If a owner decides to adopt a large cat, it is recommended to declaw them because of their massive claws. This can lead to infections in the cat’s paws and makes it very uncomfortable for the animal.
Thx for the topic
to show that being from New York disrupts the author's relationships with the people he meets
According to the conversation from the excerpt of Travels with Charley, it is narrated that the speaker is treated differently by the people he met on his travels.
First, it is stated that there were interests and questions about "twenty or thirty times" during his trip and also questions from locals who asked him questions.
The purpose of the conversation is to show that being from New York disrupts the author's relationships with the people he meets
The answer is A :)
Hope this helps!
Using reading skills: understanding how writers achieve effects Writer’s effect: The effect on the reader created by an author’s words. This effect could be to stimulate our senses or convey a scene, idea or emotion. After reading a passage you need to work out what effect the writer has created.