Not really,
It is reliant on the intensity of the attack as well as the power of the attacking nation.
some countries have been attacked and literally never fought back but surrendered if the attacking nation is more powerful in terms of military power.
in case the intensity of the attack can be absorbed, a country can also opt for diplomacy as war is the ultimate sanction in international relation.
in case the country feels it has the capacity to protect its sovereignty then fighting back is the only option.
The majority of Italian immigrants came to American between 1880 and 1910 to escape poverty in Southern Italy.
The United States was willing to pay more per mile for the Gadsden Purchase than for the Mexican Cession because the Gadsden Purchase gave money to the United States to build a railroad.
The outbreak of the First World War had a stimulating effect on the Austro-Hungarian film sector. New companies were founded (Burg-Film, Regent-Film, etc.), existing companies expanded, and the number of films rose steadily – from 42 titles in 1914 to almost 100 in 1918.
I hope these helpes
Hey You!
The primary purpose of these conventions is to select the party's nominee President.