Answer. It emphasizes the boys' desire to follow rules.
The writer makes this clear when he says that even when the parents were not around to discipline his actions, Maurice still felt the guilt or the 'unease of wrongdoing'. Even though that he was thinking about an excuse, he was not feeling good about wrongdoing.
[] Answer []
No, inchworm is not an affix
[] Reasoning \ Evidence []
An affix is a word or part that is added onto another word. Once that second part is added onto the original word, the original words meaning has changed. Here are two types of affixes: Prefix, suffix.
A pre fix, as you can guess by the word pre, goes before the main word. For example, for the word impossible, the word "im is the prefix. The original word is possible. Once you add the prefix im, the word possible changes to impossible. The meaning of the original word has now changed.
A suffix is a word that is added to the end of an original word. The word "ed" is a suffix. Once you add "ed" to a word like "passed", the word pass has been changed and given a new meaning.
Those are examples of affixes. The word inchworm is not an affix.
<> Eclipsed <>
Bronze statue
An object that created with bronze can last forever, even without being taken care of by humans.Bank vaults are the man made object that is likely to endure long after humans have disappeared from New York City.
So for this you gotta look for your favorite part of the novel, if you dont have a favorite part just looks for the most important part and put first,second,then,later,and last for paragraphs. You have to atleast have 3 sentences in each paragraph l.