Prospecting is an activity that is designed to help a real estate broker generate more listings. This can be a time consuming endeavor, but well worth it in the end for brokers. One of the ways to start prospecting is to make cold calls. Before making any cold calls, and have a script ready for each call. This is one of the most effective prospecting methods. Always stick to a schedule and set aside time each day for prospecting. Other prospecting idea's are to update all of your social media accounts, ask for referrals, start a door hanging campaign, and use the website Zillow to find more leads. You can also offer an information session for first time buyers in your area, this will help to meet new people. Always reach out to expired real estate listings and see if they are interested inputting their home back on the market. Many real estate brokers will also sponsor a children's sport team, and at each game introduce yourself to the parents. It also crucial to keep in touch with all of your past clients, this helps build trust. You can send out holiday cards to members of the community to make people know that you do. Prospecting isn't for everyone, but it is the best activity in real estate to generate new leads.
A. The first cash flow of an annuity due is made on the first day of the agreement.
G. The last cash flow of an ordinary annuity is made on the last day covered by the agreement.
The computation is shown below:
As we know that
Future value after 4 years is
= Annual deposit × Cumulative FV factor at 9% for 4 periods of an ordinary annuity
= $6,000 × 4.57313
= $27,439
Therefore the above statements are true and the same is to be considered
Hence, all other statements are incorrect
To find the percentage of returned surveys over the total we divide and then multiply:
(717/5000)*100= 14.34%
The response rate appears to be low because it is less than 50% (which would be 2500 return surveys). Some statistical studies agree that 30 is the minimum number of observations a study must have, but this number does not ensure statistically significant results.
The problem with a very low response rate is that survey´s answers does not significant represent the study population characteristics and so we cannot make inferences, correlations or regressions that are statistically significant. In this case, the conclusions that scientists make about association between the left-handed population and right-handed population with the use of cell phone calls could be wrong or not represent the population characteristics, which means answers are not trustful.
b longitudinal
it is b longitudinal. I just know
The correct answer is E)
Capital budgeting is an accounting method that corporations use to decide which planned acquisitions of fixed assets will be approved and which should be refused.
Some examples of Capital Expenditures include:
- Construction of an additional building
- Procurement of delivery vehicles
- Procurement of new equipment
- Rehabilitation of existing equipment
If one of the criteria for classification under Capital Expenditure is that it must be in the plan, then none of the above items mentioned in the question will fly.
Monies have already been expended on the options A, B, and C.
Option D is an offer to purchase an existing asset, not a planned investment. Therefore it also does not qualify.
Hence the correct answer is E.