The correct answer is acupuncture. Acupuncture is defined as a technique by which practitioners use by means of using needles by which they made use of it in inserting in certain parts of the body of an individual as they also practice in stimulating specific points of the body of the individual as a part of this technique.
<span>Option A here is the correct question.
The main benefit of the constitutional government is definitely the rule of law which means that there is a constitution as a principle document which applies and is respected by all the members of a society. This means that there are certain rights that cannot be abridged by anyone and it provides a shield from the tyranny of the majority as well.</span>
This best illustrates the importance of "<u>biological predispositions</u>" in associative learning.
Biological predisposition in humans means that there are internal characteristics humans possess that increase their chances of having certain conditions.
The taste aversion (or dislike) someone develops after eating tainted food and falling ill is as a result of <em>associating the stimuli (the taste of the bad food) with the response (falling ill)</em>.
By associating the stimuli with the response, the body learns to stay away from such food in future, to avoid falling ill again.
This indicates that biological predispositions are more important in associative learning than external stimuli (such as; music or the sight of the restaurant).
Yes, because since he enunciated the act he should be proud of the outcome, especially in today's society now
Bronze is a homogeneous mixture. (In this case its two metals.)