20:7 Thou shad not mention the name of the Lord the God in vainfor the Lord will not possess the name of the innocent
Because through satire, he makes an allegory criticizing the model of totalitarian society, more specifically of the Soviet Union created by the Stalinist regime. In the case of "Rebellion on the Farm," he does so through a fable, in which parallels are represented in the animals
In this way, we can understand the corruption, betrayal and lies towards the people that existed during Stalin's dictatorship in the Soviet Union.
Dear Dad,
I would love the opportunity to go to America. I can pursue my dream of attending college, better paying jobs with benefits and I can visit some amazing places. I would love to see the Big Apple or Yellowstone National Park. I believe my dreams will come true there. They have unique food, 4 seasons and daylight savings to. Can we please go Dad?