sometimes it can if there is nothing in the way.
New South Wales
The NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 includes disability as a grounds of unlawful discrimination. The NSW legislation covers similar areas as the DDA plus: partnerships (business) trade unions.
protects people with disability from discriminatory treatment in a range of areas including employment, education and access to services, facilities and public areas. The Act makes disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights, equal opportunity and equal access for people with disabilities.
Mother died in child birth
father was present during birth
married someone else like at a ceremony
In blast injuries we split injuries into four parts. Primary blast injuries are dangerous because the expanding pressure and gas can cause the hollow organs of the body to rupture. The is massive rupturing can kill near instantaneously.
Secondary injuries are were things are actually life threatening by flinging stuff. Shrapnel, burns, debris can hit a patient.
Tertiary Injuries are noted as the next thing up, which is a patient can be flung away from the explosion, with collision into another object and the possibility of secondary impalation or blunt force trauma is possible. This is heavily reliant on the distance of impact.
So your answer is A.