1. 1.24
2. 2.47
3. 2.84
4. 1.59
116th Congressional District.
Since no attachment is provided, i will try to provide general knowledge on the Bubonic Plague commonly known today as the Black Death which was Pandemic around the World in the mid-13th century, this plague was caused by the yersinia pestis bacteria, which is found among rodent populations and the plague was then spread by fleas that had bitten infected animals which later infect humans or through close proximate with the carriers.The plague was rumor to start from China and it was imported to Europe through Trade via Italy and historians generally estimate the Bubonic Plague killed between 30% and 60% of Europe’s population between 1347 and 1351 which was estimated to be about 25-30 million people
DNA makes up who we are. Basically DNA carry's the traits that are being past on down from in which the newborn came from, or any organism for that matter. And those DNA cells come together to put those distinctive traits into you. Such as your personality, eye color, things of that sort,