2 I think because 2 I think is binary I’m sorry if this is wrong
Typically the contact details for the firm would be at the bottom of the flyer.
This is to allow room for the main event itself to be advertised in top and central area of the flyer real-estate.
25% chance.
There is 25% chance it'll be h*m*zygous red, 50% chance it'll be h*t*rozygous red, and 25% chance it'll be h*m*zygous wh*te.
(Censored because it wouldn't let me post it for some reason. Honestly hope this doesn't work.)
In Python:
def gcd(m,n):
if n == 0:
return m
elif m == 0:
return n
return gcd(n,m%n)
This defines the function
def gcd(m,n):
If n is 0, return m
<em> if n == 0:
<em> return m
If m is 0, return n
<em> elif m == 0:
<em> return n
If otherwise, calculate the gcd recursively
<em> else:
<em> return gcd(n,m%n)</em>
<em />
<em>To call the function to calculate the gcd of say 15 and 5 from main, use:</em>