Subject matter experts
Because the security organization institutes the procedures and policies to be executed, they occupy the role of Subject matter expert.
A subject matter expert is a person with a thorough and deep knowledge of a particular process, function, technology, machine, material or type of equipment. Such a person is an expert on that subject.
Therefore the information security organization occupies the role of Subject matter expert.
DeluxeMeal burritoCombo = new DeluxeMeal ("burrito", "chips", "Lemonade", 7.49);
The above statement will be inserted in the software and the result will show the Deluxe meal details such as burrito which is an entrée, chips are side dish and lemonade is a drink. The cost of single burrito is 7.49 so with the meal the cost will be $3 higher which means the total cost will be $10.49
Lowest Level; Machine Language.
The lowest level of a computer is machine language, which are strings of 0's and 1's in bits, and it's possible to perform tasks at this level. It's however difficult to do and humans created <em>Assembly</em>; a type of low level programming language to be readable, and converts to machine language so that we don't have to work in binary.