Nevada is almost like a desert, so it gets very dry there. People probably have to be indoors alot because of the heat
They yeeted the tea overboard and into the water and celebrated as the tea spread all throughout the water.
And yes yeet is a word it means to forcefully throw something in a single direction
The restriction was an effective form of A. Punishment.
Skinner's operant conditioning refers to the fortification of a behavior by reinforcements and punishments. Patricia receives a negative punishment in which a stimuli she likes (the phone) is taken away from her in order to decrease her grading fails.
It makes me think that he is a rule-follower, and a strict person himself
He doesn't break any rules and abides by his proper traditions
I think that a good word for this would be "enthnocentrism": the belief that one's culture, or one's enthnicity is superior to others, or more important than others (even to oneself: so my culture is more important for me than other cultures: this also would count).